Geoscience Exhibit

Geoscience Exhibit

Invasive Species in Sagebrush Systems


Programmer • UI • Data Conversion

Technical Stack



This application has been developed for an exhibit at the 2024 Personal Structures Exhibition in Venice, Italy. It displays geological drone data gathered by Boise State University's Human-Environment Systems department in an interactive manner. Exhibitors are able to immerse themselves in the environment while learning about invasive plant species in Idaho.


Drone Data

For the exhibit, we used clound point data collected from a drone to create a 3D model of the environment. This model was then converted into a Unity project to be displayed on a large screen at the exhibit.

In the project, users are able to navigate the environment and learn about the invasive species that are present in the area. A slider also allows users to view the environmental changes at different times of the year.


To help users navigate the exhibit, we created a set of instructions that are displayed on a screen next to the exhibit. These instructions provide a brief overview of the exhibit and how to interact with it.

Once the screen is tapped, gyroscopic camera controls are enabled, and the user can press the forward button to move within the environment.

As the project is intended for a audience, the application will reset to its default state after a period of inactivity, and eventually back to the main menu.



The biggest issue we ran into in this project was converting the cloud point data into a 3D model. This required various applications and the use of Blender to create the final model. We also had to do a lot of optimization to ensure that the project would run smoothly on the exhibit's hardware.

Getting a shader to effectively transition between the different periods of the year was also a challenge. We had to ensure that the transition was smooth and that the user interface would not interfere with the user's ability to navigate the environment.
