Jump Monke Jump

Jump Monke Jump

An Android application that uses the camera’s AR capabilities to place a competitive, 2-player platformer game in the real world.


Lead Programmer

Technical Stack



Using an Android phone or tablet's AR functionality, two players take turns competing in a 2D platformer that is placed in real world space. If both players are able to complete the level, a player is then allowed to place a randomized obstacle to make the game more difficult to complete.

The goal is to make the game too hard for the opposing player to pass, but still doable for yourself, as to avoid a loss or tie.



Inspired by games like Ultimate Chicken Horse and Mario Maker, Jump Monke Jump is a competitive platformer game that forces the players to make the game more difficult for the other player.

Quickly, the game becomes a chaotic battle of wits and skill as the players try to outsmart and outmaneuver each other.


The game's visuals were designed to be simple and visually appealing, with a goal to make it look as if it were hand-drawn. This allowed for an aesthetic that benefitted from the augmented reality aspect of the game, as it made it feel more like it was actually in the real world.


One of the biggest challenges was creating the AR functionality. There were a lot of technical hurdles that needed to be overcome to make sure that the game was able to be placed in the real world, without breaking the physics of the game.

Additionally, we had to focus on making sure the game was competitive and fun. This required a lot of testing and iteration, but we luckily found a formula that worked well.
